Did you happen to see the July 31 episode of “Who Do You Think You Are,” the ancestry- tracing TV show? In this episode, knowing he wants to start a family of his own, actor Zachary Levi explores his family’s past to make sense of his difficult childhood experiences.
What he finds in his mother’s lineage is a history of abuse and alcoholism that can be traced back FIVE generations. I was deeply moved by the documented stories of intergenerational trauma. So much pain and suffering replicated over and over again, for centuries!
On one hand, it is human nature that “We do what we know.” But it’s also human nature that “When we know better, we do better.” Zac’s determination to break his family’s abusive cycle is opening the door for him to learn more and move forward in a different way.
How this relates to ETP
Wow, does this story of “knowing better” resonate with ETP’s mission and with the students we serve!

A teacher in Kansas who recently used ETP’s lesson on relationships put it this way:
“I used this resource with my students to talk specifically about how to find healthy relationships. Several of my students come from disadvantaged homes and they don’t all get to see and experience healthy relationships. This was a great conversation starter and also a great way to review all of the talking points. … The students were all very engaged … I learned a lot about my students … nothing could be assumed. Lots of facts and lots of science, students couldn’t argue with this resource.”
Rating: 5/5 (extremely satisfied)
It is SO gratifying that ETP is providing students with this vital knowledge, enabling them to build better beginnings for their future family.
Like our students, ETP has also been moving forward in a different way.
Before 2020, we had a handful of trained instructors delivering programs in local schools. After Covid-19 closed schools, we created ready- to-use digital versions of our lessons so that many more teachers could access and implement them. And it’s working!
Now ETP’s curriculum is in the hands of 94 teachers:
- 84 teachers in 33 U.S. States
- 9 teachers in Canada
- and 1 in Ireland
We hope you feel SO proud!
Whether you are a client, donor, volunteer, staff member, student, colleague, voice of encouragement, or simply a follower of our work: you have helped in furthering ETP’s vibrant mission.
Together we’re moving forward … developing more educational materials, communicating with more teachers, and creating stronger foundations for future families.
I warmly thank you,